::: Jobs With Similar Education ::: Common Career Changes :::


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InfoSurf’s solution here.

There are many careers within an education path, many paths to a career.


The Good News: the National Center for Education Statistics does a bang-up job dicing the common educational paths and occupations. Most often, there are many paths to a particular career and many careers within a particular path.

The Bad News: Info is only available as a spreadsheet of the entire list of 3700+ mappings between educational areas (Classifications of Instructional Programs) and occupations (Standard Occupation Classification system), rather than O*Net’s refinement of those occupation classes.

//Understand the DAta//

The SOC system is one step of groupings above O*Net profiles that we know and love. The O*Net system also feeds MyNextMove where the government helps you explore careers.

InfoSurf accelerates building your list of jobs with similar education paths with the eBook Shoreline Career-Education Browser.

SOC feeds the top-level statistical information like typical education and approximate wage, while O*Net refines the SOC information by further subgrouping occupations. It’s a way to see how the job market is changing over time, as well as enables the government to update how individual job types are changing.

The NCES is the keeper of the information about completions for schools in the US, including colleges, trade schools and universities. So, the NCES takes information about people’s careers via SOC rather than the O*Net subclasses and cross-references that with educational program classes (the CIP system).

The so-called CIP-SOC crosswalk is now we can see all this information.

//Understand InfoSurf Solution//

InfoSurf solutions cut down on the time to finding options to just a few minutes.

To make finding related jobs really fast and easy, Shoreline Career-Education Browser maps the information about the educational areas (CIP information) to the list of occupations people report who have degrees in that educational area alongside the typical education and approximate wage.

Right up front, you see all that information rather than needing to dive into each profile to get the same information.

  • Download or preview this eBook (& cover if you want to print it).

For advisors, career coaches and guidance counselors, we extend the searching capability across data sets in Career-Education Triangulator.

The other InfoSurf Career Exploration books complement and broaden the groups of related jobs.

At this time, we do not publish any eBooks but are searching for a partner. If you are interested in physical copies *or* have a preferred publisher, contact us.